Jul 9, 2019
Who is Jann Karam:
Stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and artist Jann Karam has made numerous appearances on NBC’s Tonight Show and The Late Show with David Letterman. Jann played one of Jerry’s girlfriends on Seinfeld (rated #1 by UPROXX in “A Very Important and Scientific” ranking of Jerry’s all-time on-camera inamoratas) and in addition to series regular roles, she has guest starred on countless TV sitcoms. Her award-winning Castle Rock produced short film Under the Big Muu-Muu is about her mother’s irritating and funny weekend visit. Around Los Angeles, Jann performs her critically acclaimed theatrical solo show, Reclining Nude on La Cienega (you can see it on youtube) recently produced and recorded for broadcast by the legendary George Schlatter. Jann regularly performs standup on tour with Dana Carvey.
Who is Alice Miller:
Alice Miller was a Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst, and philosopher of Polish-Jewish origin, who wrote the book The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self and many other books translated into several languages. She was also a noted public intellectual.
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